American Revolution: French Soldiers



There were about 250,000 soldiers that served in the French army. They were allies ( friends) with the Americans and helped them throughout the war. The French navy entered the war fighting off the British along the American coast. French soldiers helped reinforce the continental army at the final battle of Yorktown in 1781. During the war the French goverment went into debt. One of the reasons France helped was they wanted revenge on the British because they had lost the 7 years war against Britain in 1763. France and the French soldiers gave most of the support. image


Coding was fun, I did the Star Wars coding. The beginning was very easy but the end was more difficult. There was this one level that was really hard. You had to catch these small mouse bots. I give Star Wars a 6 from a scale from 1-10.

American Flag

I think Betsy Ross created the flag because she is more known and there is more stories about how she was the one who created it. It sounds like Francis Hopkinson drew it but Betsy Ross sewed it and came up with the 5 pointed star. So once again I think Betsy Ross created and sewed the first American Flag.

Patrick Henry During the Revolution


He gave a famous speech to the Virginia assembly

Opponent of the Stamp and Townshend Acts

Supplied equipment for George Washington

Virginia first governer

Patrick Henry

 Helped write constitution

Became a delegate for Philadelphia

Give me Liberty or give me Death

Patrick became the commander in chief of Virginia forces