Homecoming at White Oak is super special because we only have every three years. That means I’ll only have it two more times at White Oak. I think we are one of the only schools who do this, which makes this pretty special. At every homecoming the people that went to White Oak come back and reunite with each other. That’s how we have homecoming.
Month: October 2015
Jamestown or Plymouth
I would rather live in Plymouth because because there were girls and kids. Also they got along great with the natives who helped them hunt and plant food to help them in the winter. Another thing is that they came to worship God, which is awesome. Now you know why I would rather live in Plymouth instead of Jamestown.
Photo: www.encyclopedia.com
Amerigo Vespucci was born in Florence, Italy March 9, 1454.
He was the founder of America and was the first person to set foot in America.